Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Le lac Fishabil

Location: Brittany, Cotes d'Armor

Description: The fishery is Located in the southwest of Brittany in a small village called Loscouetsur- Meu, this secluded venue is perfect to kick back and relax courtesy of the lakeside apartments with built in swims.

There are several options available for your trip, one being the very popular Organised Trips, where all you have to do is book your holiday and then we'll take it from there. At the complex there's great facilities including clean showers, toilets and most importantly a fully stocked bar! Tackle and bait is provided on site, as well as a half board catering option.

Lake: The main lake has 55 swims on four banks with approximately 65 acres of water. The lake has two main areas to fish, the west bank that is about 20 acres in size and the north/east bank. Fishing to the middle of the lake from this area gives about 45 acres. All the swims are topped with tree bark to a depth of 1ft.

Lake Search

  • Graviers
  • Les Rivets
  • Lac de Passion
  • Etang Tissier
  • Barn Owl Lake
  • Charlou Carping
  • French Carp and Cats
  • Le Moulin du Mee
  • La Petite Martiniere
  • freedom Lakes
  • la Fritterie
  • Lake Jurrassica
  • Ribiere
  • Rushes Lake
  • Windmill Lakes
  • Le lac Fishabil
  • Etang des Moulinots
  • Le Monument

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